Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Places to Play - Red Dice

Dive Dice Hyehwa closed to apparently focus on their online business. Not many tears were shed and in it's place (literally) are new owners with a new name.

Red Dice is located near Hyehwa station on the light blue line (line 4) in Northern Seoul. Sometimes this area is also referred to as Daehak Ro (대학로).

Get out at Exit 4 and then follow that road until you get to the main street and then turn right. 

Contact Details
Phone number: 070-7581-3501
Hours: 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm 
Email address: qseop@koreaboardgames.com
Korean Street address: 서울특별시 종로구 명륜동 2가 211번지 유니지오 빌딩 3층 303호
Web site: www.reddice.co.kr

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Places to Play - M & A

M & A in Korean is written as 엠엔에이.

It's located near the Korean University of Foreign Studies. On the subway it's Line 1 (dark blue) and is called 외대앞 (named after the university).

I haven't been there but quoting one of the guys from Casual MTG Seoul (Facebook group)

"To get there, take the one line up to hankuk university of foreign studies station and go out exit 6. Get on the right side of the street and walk past a make up spot. Then, you'll see an alley next to a phone store. Go in the alleyway and in the door on your left. Go up four stories and there it is."

That's all I have for now. I haven't been there but I will try and get the goss from those who have as the store seems quite popular recently as a place to play casual games of Magic.